Elements of Gameplay part 4

Level design in games is all about the balance, the balance
between the visual world and its believability and its accessibility in terms
of the gameplay.
Developers want make a
world where you believe you are there and you engage with your surrounds on a
deeper level. But Amongst this world there needs to be a destination, a goal,
an invisible arrow pointing you in the right direction. So developers will tend
provide subtle guides within the game to assist the player into making progress
through the game. It can be through creating narrow pathways that make it
obvious to the player where to go next, or perhaps a incident in the game that
leads on to another part of the game, or even just providing a map in the
bottom right corner of the screen. The role of the environment in the game is
to create the setting, embody the character and them of the game itself and
portray that through its surroundings, the environment’s job is to make
everything and everyone in the game to feel relevant to itself, that way
whatever the content of the game, it can be made believable through the surroundings.
I think that the balance of realism and stylisation is important, games that go
overboard on the surrounding area end up alienating the player with a messy and
cluttered surrounding. However I also think that games shouldn’t rely too much
on realism, other the environment can feel uninspired and just dull at times,
so I would say that stylisation is important, but try and maintain an element
of realism to create a more believable environment. An environment in a game I thoroughly
enjoyed the environment I the game mirrors edge. The environment was a
cityscape that consisted only of clean white buildings, it felt like a big
contrast to the games released at the time that were mainly set in dirty grey
warzones. It was a breath fresh air to play a game that was bright colourful
and very stylish. According to the story the city was supposed to be in total
control of the government, meaning that every dirty old building was knocked
down in place of the tall perfect white buildings, along with many security
cameras and patrol helicopters flying around. Instead of providing a map the way
you navigated around the rooftops was you would follow the objects that would
glow red when approached them, making it simple and fun to run through the
level without losing your way, a very clever way of guiding the player to the destination
whilst speeding the gameplay at the same time. i get the feeling this game was
inspired not only by the whole big brother scenario, but also the iPod/apple
mac culture we live in today, where everything has to be white and pristine, a
possible hint at the idea of individualism being lost in our world today, with
everyone ignorantly buying the same products. Well that’s my opinion anyway ,we
all have our theories.
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